What COPAC is?

COPAC is the Spanish Commercial Pilots’ Guild. As a professional guild, COPAC represents commercial pilots with the Public Administration and society in Spain. COPAC works to ensure air safety in many technical committees, to promote the best professional practices and to provide pilot’s point of view in new laws that affects our job.

In addition, COPAC offers technical and professional support to the pilots throughout their career. Is mandatory to be member of COPAC to work as commercial pilot in Spain; both for airline pilots, aerial or instructional work. Here you can know all COPAC functions and in this link you can find all the information to join COPAC when you have your license.

What COPAC NEXTGEN is and how it can help you?
COPAC NextGen is the COPAC free program addressed to pilot students in their final year of training to give them support to face the access to the profession.
Being a member of COPAC NextGen have a lot of advantages for you:
  • Expert advice and guidance for access to the profession and job search
  • Training sessions
  • Professional and aviation safety information
  • Discounts and benefits on professional services
  • Subscription to the specialized magazine Aviador
If you want to join us totally free for a year, please send an email to copacnextgen@copac.es.


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About Barcelona Flight School

Barcelona Flight School is an Authorized Training Organization by the Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Aérea under EASA Part-FCL with the ATO number E-ATO-037 with over 60 years of experience providing flight training to future pilots.

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