You set the pace towards your future

This programme will get you to an ATPL through what is commonly called the Modular pathway. This means that your training progresses through a series of modules, or individual courses, that you can take whenever it works best for you provided you do it in the right order. Each module will be a step forward on your training schedule but you don’t need to commit to take all of them at once. This way you can advance on your own schedule, allowing to undertake other activities while you build your aviation career.

Leverage your experience

You will be given credit for previous licenses or endorsements you may have

You set the pace

You decide when to begin each module to better suit your needs

Frozen ATPL

After completing the programme, you will obtain a Frozen ATPL licence

Train while you work

This programme allows you to undertake other activities during your training


The Modular Plus ATPL programme will allow you to obtain an ATPL license step by step, in a modular approach through a series of individual courses and licenses that you can take according to your own schedule and needs. Because you can get credit for previous aeronautical experience that you may have, this programme will allow you to tailor your ATPL training to your actual situation, taking advantage of any license you may already hold.

Because each module or course is independent from the others, and will provide you with an individual license or qualification, you don’t need to take them all at once. Instead, you can set the pace at which you will undertake each module and acquire all the knowledge and experience required to qualify for your ATPL license, which you will obtain once you have completed all the modules. Along the way, you will also obtain all the individual qualifications such as PPL, CPL, ME-IR and MCC, after completing each module.


Private Pilot License (PPL)

To begin your modular ATPL training it is a prerequisite to hold a Pilot license, whether a PPL or a CPL, so, in case you are starting from scratch your first step will be obtaining a Private Pilot License. Once you have the PPL on your belt, you are allowed to progress to the very first step on your ATPL training programme.

Don’t worry, if you have already a PPL or a CPL, you can bypass this step and even get credit for your actual knowledge and experience.


Online Theoretical Knowledge ATPL (OTKA)

Once you have obtained your PPL, you are allowed to begin with your ATPL modular training. Your first step will be to pass the ATPL Theory exams to demonstrate that you have acquired all the required theoretical learning objectives.

This course will help you to master all the topics with the assistance of our Theoretical knowledge instructors, and be better prepared to take the EASA tests.

However, you are not allowed to progress with any Flight Training until you have passed the 14 theory exams and move on to the next module, so hurry up and study hard!


Multiengine Rating (ME)

Typically, once you have passed all the ATPL Theory exams and you are allowed to start your Flight Training modules, your next step will be obtaining the Multiengine rating.

This course will add a VFR, multiengine class rating to your PPL and prepare you for the upcoming Instrument rating module, because having already the ME will simplify the task of adding the required full ME/IR rating to your track.


Instrument Rating (ME-IR)

Armed with your Multiengine PPL and the approved ATPL exams, you will move on to do one of the most important modules on your Aviation career, the Instrument Rating (IR).

This module will learn you how to fly under IFR and shoot any kind of instrument approach on your airplane. Remember that, since you already passed the ATPL exams, you are not required to take any theory here, just the flight training required to demonstrate your ability in the air.

If you already got your ME rating, you will add only 5 hrs of multi-engine IR time to obtain a IR multiengine qualification, to complete your PPL license with the unrestricted ME/IR ratings.


Commercial Pilot License (CPL)

Next, its time to convert your PPL with ME/IR ratings, to a full Commercial Pilot License with all the attributions of a professional pilot (CPL).

This course will let you prove that your flight standards are up to the required qualification for a professional pilot, and will sharpen your skills to a level you could not even dream of before. Abnormal attitudes and basic aerobatic training will help you pass your Commercial test with flying colors.

Again, no theory is required since you have already demonstrated your knowledge by passing the ATPL exams, which include all the required CPL topics.

At this point, you will earn a Frozen ATPL qualification, that will automatically convert itself to a Full ATPL license once you obtain the required flight experience of 1.500 flight hours total.


Multicrew Cooperation Course (MCC)

Being already a fully qualified Commercial Pilot, with your CPL license, Frozen ATPL, and your ME/IR ratings under your belt, you can opt in for many jobs in the Aviation Industry, flying single-pilot certified airplanes.

But, if you plan to be type-rated and fly in multi-crew environments (such as in any moder airliner) you will need to demonstrate also your ability to cooperate and work as a team in the cockpit.

This course, required in order to obtain a Type Rating in any multi-pilot certified aircraft, will be done in an A320 or Beechcraft King Air simulator, and you will work with another peer pilot to learn how to interact in the cockpit to achieve the level of coordination required for an airline.


Flight Instructor (FI)

Though this is not a required course, most pilots at this point need to build the required flight experience to convert their Frozen ATPL license into a full, unrestricted ATPL. Getting a Flight Instructor rating and teaching other flight students is one of the best options to do it.

The FI rating will allow you to provide flight instruction at any Flight School, log flight hours, and have your first job in aviation while staying connected to the airline market, which usually looks for experienced instructors to join their ranks.

If you want to reach the required flight experience in a more timely manner, we can also provide you with attractive hour-building packages, just let us know.


The duration of your training will depend on the number of modules you need to take and the pace at which you pass each one. However, the typical duration of the entire programme usually falls between 18 and 24 months total.


Applicants must comply with the following:

  • Being over 18 years old
  • Being able to pass a Class 1 Pilot Medical Exam
  • Hold a bachelor degree and to pass qualifying maths, physics and English exams at the ATO


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About Barcelona Flight School

Barcelona Flight School is an Authorized Training Organization by the Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Aérea under EASA Part-FCL with the ATO number E-ATO-037 with over 60 years of experience providing flight training to future pilots.

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